Born in Bangladesh

Chantal Anderson
Bangladesh / USA
From a newborn baby born in an isolated village to a grandmother on her terrace rooftop in the sprawling capital, Bangladesh is a compelling country. Despite extreme poverty, the country has made great improvements in women's and children’s health--lowering the maternal mortality rate by a third since the mid-1980s, improving access to medical services, and cutting the under-5 mortality rate in half in the last decade. This photo essay from Chantal Anderson is an intimate look at the mothers and children of one of the world’s most complex countries.
Nursing student Adlina Luiga Mondel wraps up a newborn baby at Bollobhpur Hospital in Meherpur, Bangladesh.

The Born in Bangladesh project was sponsored by the Common Language Project.

About The Artist 

Chantal Anderson is a photojournalist passionate about reporting on women's health issues in underreported parts of the world. Her stories have been published by NPR, PBS, PRI's The World, The Seattle Times, Seattle Weekly, KUOW, KPLU, Oregon Public Broadcasting, and the China Daily. When she's not doing freelance journalism projects she runs an unconventional editorial and wedding photography business called Chantal Andrea Photography. Find more of her work at