
The International Museum of Women, in partnership with Inside Out, TED, and the Oles Dovgiy and Katerina Gorina Charity Foundation is glad to present Making Mothers Visible Kyiv the aim of which is to promote motherhood all over the world. The Oles Dovgiy and Katerina Gorina Charity Foundation calls attention to the difficulty that women have finding employment after maternity leave in Ukraine. The project consists of the photo exhibition of mothers and their stories about employment after the maternity leave.
Making Mothers Visible Kyiv took place on four dates:
September 8-9, Opening Hours: 11:00-20:00, Place: park “Peremoha”, Address: 2, Perova ave.
September 15-16, Opening Hours: 10:00-22:00, Place: Shopping mall “Skymall”, Address: 2, Vatutina ave.
October 13-21, Opening Hours: 10:00-21:00, Place: “ATMASFERA 360” in Kyiv Planetarium, Address: 57/3, Vasylkivska str., metro station “Olympiyska”
October 22-31, Opening Hours: 10:00-19:00, Place: Oles Dovgiy and Katerina Gorina Charity Foundation, Address: 4, Rysanivska ave.