Maria Laura R. (Photo Credit: Dario Lucio Canestrari): I gave birth to my son choosing to get pregnant, but his father chose to be with another woman, and after two years the situation, I left, because I resigned to living a life with a man who would not love me. From then on, my son was solely my responsibility. After several years I had another husband, with whom I lived through situations of abuse and violence, and therefore I separated from him. I started from scratch again with my son accompanying me on the bed, but with integrity. Gradually I was taking new possibilities: I changed jobs, I did many different things, and I was growing and creating new emotional contexts, but it all had to do with knowing that I need to transform myself. However, I got cancer. So many years of violence and emotional distress in my body surfaced, and I was my own enemy. As a mother, I take care of the situations I can for my son.