Buenos Aires

The goup with some great volunteers who helped set everything up
Making Mothers Visible in Buenos Aires
Making Mothers Visible in Buenos Aires
Agustina C. (Photo credit: Nuria Celnik): Being a mother is something supreme; it’s an experience that every woman should live. It’s full happiness. All my life I wanted to be a mother and start a family, maybe that’s why I decided to study to become a kindergarten teacher, which enforced my wish of having my own son and give me the answers to know how to take care of him and respond quickly to his needs. For me, when I first carried him, it was like having a dream fulfilled. I do not miss any of the things I had to leave for my son, and even with complications in childbirth, to the aches and pains, I regretted never having had it because it gives me the strength to get up every morning, to move, to fight, and to survive. Santino makes it all worthwhile.
Amelia R. (Photo credit: Sebastian Luraghi): The words I see: When I asked my aunt to take her a picture, I told her “Smile aunt”, and she answered me back "You ask me to smile?, You never saw me smile? Every time I look at you I smile because I raised you as the son I once had, and see you, fills me with happiness. Yes, I am telling you, the one who is looking at me from behind the glass, I tell you. I love you like a son, then I will always smile for you. “After hearing that sounds a click, and that smile was recorded on my camera and thought "I could not have chosen a better person to portray." The words to me that day I had never heard it from her and I feel that rather than portray, to her, I portrayed those sweet words that gives me that smile, just for me.
Andrea B. (Photo credit: Monica Rios Aguirre): Andrea is a sweet and charismatic woman, always with a smile, apparently living things that are bearable is no problem if we refer to her smile- it is easy eloquence. She is a working woman who cares about the welfare of her daughter and that of others. She gave birth to her first and only child at the age 37, she dances and likes to share, and watches her baby grow. Current Status: Divorced.
Beatriz B. (Photo credit: Pedro Vidal Bavio): In 1993 a group of 32 volunteers began Grávida, a center for unborn life in the city of San Pedro. Our main concern is to train and promote moms so they can sustain the life of their children. In other words, our experience is teaching them to be mothers.
Belen V. (Photo credit: Maria Victoria Benitez): It's not easy being a teen mom, and it is not easy being a mother and father at the same time, but the light that brings a child, does not compare to anything. That a small person gives you so much love, without expecting anything in return, the strength to get up every day and that is all that you expect to see at night, it’s incomparable to anything. It is not easy but it is worth every second, every second is unique and irreplaceable. From the moment you know that someone lives inside you, until ... the rest of your life! And if I had to choose how to do things again, I would do exactly the same, because every step I took to be a mom. I would choose him again.
Carmen D. (Photo credit: Fernando Litvac): Carmen is a mother who has raised her children with the same love and the same affection that today she also offers unconditionally to other people. She feels it is part of her life to help and be kind to the people around her, regardless of race, creed or social status. Her maternal behavior transcends, thus bringing all her experience as a woman and as a mother to help others. Understand that those bad things she has faced in her life should not interfere in her family and in the lives of their loved ones. By being compassionate and having self-esteem she is the heart of the people around her.
Estela B. (Photo credit: Gabriela Martinez): My children are the best thing that happened to me. I would do anything just to be with them again. A tip for all who are just beginning motherhood: Be patient, love them, listen to them and advise them. It is preferable that our children say they are fed up with our advice than to say that they never had any advice.
Gimena P. (Photo credit: Fiorella Heredia): The year we got married, we decided to look for a child. We were traveling and got pregnant for the first time. In the first ultrasound we were excited to go hear our baby's heartbeat, but unfortunately it was not alive. I had a disease called MOLA and I had to make a scraping internarme because it was dangerous to allow more time. It was a very sad situation. We had to wait 6 months to keep trying and I became pregnant, the first ultrasound before I started having losses, I rest but it didn’t work out. When I made the relevant studies, I detected a clotting issue and other genetic problems, which, given certain risks could be treated. Finally, I got pregnant for the third time and as they say, the third time's a charm. Despite fears that suffered during pregnancy, 20 August 2010 was born Clara. It was worth it to keep trying!
Johanna A. (Photo credit: Andrew Gamez): When I was 16 years old I had my daughter, at first I felt she wasn’t mine - I was still living the same as before. Then she started growing, and from that time we were inseparable. She fills my life with love and joy. When I gave birth to her I didn’t know what to do with it, now I don’t know what I'd do without her, we do everything together and are inseparable. When she was only 3 years old she asked me about my relationship with my girlfriend, and I told her about my sexual orientation, but she only smiled and kept playing.
Judith F. (Photo credit: Celeste Farias): I am the mother of a daughter desired with all the strength of my heart. I raised her with the purest love that a great mom can have. Over his 21 years I had to go through some unpleasant circumstances, due to premature birth, and rely on a wheelchair for the rest of life. Nothing that we have gone through together has put her in a situation so unpleasant and of discrimination, as it is now she has to live outside her sexual orientation. I never felt so proud of someone like my daughter; she has fought for their rights for life and will continue doing it, because she deserves it, like all of us, the same opportunities in all areas of her life. I never tolerated discrimination against her disability and I won’t for her sexual orientation. We teach her about freedom and equality, and fight for a better and fairer world. If today I had a chance to turn back time, I would choose my daughter exactly the way she is, genuine and happy.
Liliana R. (Photo credit: Paula Araceli Gauto): I have four children, four altogether. They are quadruplets, so in my case motherhood was a total change in my life. Their dad is gone. I am a mom and a dad and that costs you more. Motherhood is a struggle for me. And things overcome you when you have a lot to do. I have to teach them that life is not easy, but we must not give up ... so I do not lose my smile.
Marcela G. (Photo credit: Maria Laura Ayala): Having children completes you as a woman, it's like a legacy. I didn’t think I was going to get married and have children, but when you see that little person is different, love is different to everyone, it changes everything, and you grow as a person. It gives you a reason to live – for them. Mother is the one who raises, not only the one who gave birth, and everything depends on love.
Maria Belen G. (Photo credit: Romina De la Torre): María Belen Gomez began her maternity at the age of 31 years, and at just three months, her daughter was born with an emergency. Milena was premature at 7 months' gestation and weighing 650 grams. The obstetrician said it was necessary to induce labor by cesarean section sooner and that from then on there was a 50% chance both for and against her survival. Belén felt sadness and fear but she never lost his characteristic smile and optimism towards life. Today Milena has reached 2kg and is expected to leave the hospital soon, with her husband to go home. It is a long and exhausting process, but the love of her mother and her personality as a sweet and strong woman helps Milena grow a little more each day.
Maria Florencia I. (Photo credit: Maria Candelaria Rivera Gadea): Flor is a great makeup artist. At the age of 26 she had her first child as a single mother and raised him with effort and dedication, without renouncing her profession. Flor continued to devote herself to what she likes to do. Her youthful spirit, is so lively and dynamic, and makes her a positive energy person. The relationship with her eldest son, now 9 years old, has always been very loving and special. Seven years after her first pregnancy, Flor met the man who is now her partner, and together they look forward to the arrival of Sofia. Flor is a few days away from giving birth to this new baby. She looks very happy to start a family together, and she’s confident that any problems they encounter in the future, they may face and solve together. Now she begins a new stage in her life, and looks forward and hopes.
Maria Laura R. (Photo Credit: Dario Lucio Canestrari): I gave birth to my son choosing to get pregnant, but his father chose to be with another woman, and after two years the situation, I left, because I resigned to living a life with a man who would not love me. From then on, my son was solely my responsibility. After several years I had another husband, with whom I lived through situations of abuse and violence, and therefore I separated from him. I started from scratch again with my son accompanying me on the bed, but with integrity. Gradually I was taking new possibilities: I changed jobs, I did many different things, and I was growing and creating new emotional contexts, but it all had to do with knowing that I need to transform myself. However, I got cancer. So many years of violence and emotional distress in my body surfaced, and I was my own enemy. As a mother, I take care of the situations I can for my son.
Maria Paula G. (Photo credit: Guadalupe Rojo): Paula is a young mother who gave birth to twins after unintended pregnancy that turned out to be the greatest blessing of her life. At birth she was "unconsciously happy", relaxed and smooth, and after a cesarean procedure, the twins were born in perfect condition. Six months after the arrival of her children, her parents and sister died in a car accident on their way to visit. But it was from her role as a mother that she found "harmony within the horror". Her children helped rebuild her family concept, and today, in the absence of her own mother, she became one, with admirable values. To Paula motherhood means love, unconditional. She is a very cheerful and artistic, and despite the pain of her loss, managed to find this harmony doubly in her children, Joan and Fred.
Maria Victoria A. (Photo credit: Gustavo Penjasoff): The greatest treasure in life is definitely being a mother, in my case I gave birth when I was 19 years old to my first daughter. Today I am a mother and grandmother, and that makes me happy every day. Sometimes I feel that even as adults protecting you as if it were the first day I came into the world. Becoming a mother gave me peace and happiness that might otherwise never have been found.
Micaela Paula B. (Photo credit: Agostina Mercuri): With my age, at age 21, being a mother changed my life in taking more responsibilities, prioritizing the needs of my child before my own, and choosing to make the right decisions for him. I care that my son sees me as a good example and as the mother figure throughout his life. Because I did not have a strong mother figure, and I think it is essential for growth. I think that the concerns arise over the course of time, and depend on circumstances that arise in life. I understand that motherhood is a mutual process of learning and teaching, it does make you feel full and content with yourself as you rate what you have at your fingertips and more. I think motherhood is making the impossible possible.
Mila K. (Photo credit: Victoria Muruzeta Jurjevic): I am 95 years old. I was 21 when I arrived to Argentina in 1937. From the moment we got off the ship in Buenos Aires I liked the landscape. I came here to meet my new husband that I had not seen since I was young in my country, Croatia. We settled in Ramos Mejia and I had the first of my daughters the first year. I was always happy to have four daughters. And my husband was good, so that was good. Now I have nothing to do with being a mother, I am now a grandmother, but I'm still mom. Patience is the most important at the time to be a mother, love, care, and education that children need, and always having fun.
Pastora T. (Photo credit: Gisel Valdez): The Shepherd of her flock only. She, alone, without education, no love, no life, just the joy of raising your best breeding. No matter how much it rained, how it dry. No matter how much she have not ate or how do not drink. Nothing else matters but her flock. Joy, just the joy of having her around, see her, smell her, touch her, raise her, educate her, love her.
Silvia Mariana F. (Photo credit: Monica Rios Aguirre): Silvia Mariana Fecha is an enterprising warrior woman, strong in all aspects of her life. She had her first child at the age of 15 years old, a strong and healthy boy, and later gave birth to a girl. Being a mother, from young stands out in her personal life, both at work and in any business carried out. She is single, but beyond that her condition makes her a woman who is strong with a high sense of transcendence.
Yolanda S. (Photo credit: Mailen Brito): My life story: In a few years my life underwent a great change, when I was 18 years old I had my first daughter, two years later I had my son and four years later, I widowed. Being a single mother involved a greater effort especially because I was very young. I could not devote all the time that they deserved, because there was a greater need for going to work. They learned to be so independent that my 18 year old daughter decided to get married and have a baby. These were her last moments, for a malpractice of the doctors, my daughter died. As a mother I began to feel hatred, bitterness, and resentment, I could not understand how I could lose my daughter and knowing that it was not by the laws of life. I still had my son, who I had to fight for, he was my only hope. He takes his place and my daughter’s, I take care of him regardless of age, he is really the only person I have left in life.
The Making Mothers Visible Buenos Aires tean recieves their portraits from Inside Out!
Getting the portraits ready for the event day
Making Mothers Visible Buenos Aires
Making Mothers Visible Buenos Aires
Making Mothers Visible Buenos Aires
Making Mothers Visible Buenos Aires
Making Mothers Visible Buenos Aires
Making Mothers Visible Buenos Aires
Making Mothers Visible Buenos Aires
Part of the group excited with their portraits
Installing the MMV Buenos Aires event!
Installing the MMV Buenos Aires event!
Installing the MMV Buenos Aires event!
One of the Buenos Aires moms with a loving relative
Making Mothers Visible Buenos Aires
Mother and Daughter
María Laura Ayala, the photographer who took the photograph of the mother
Making Mothers Visible in Buenos Aires
Celeste Farias, the photographer who took the photograph of the mother
One of the Buenos Aires moms with her family
One of the moms portraits
Making Mothers Visible Buenos Aires
One of the moms portraits
María Candelaria Rivera Gadea, the photographer who took the photograph of the mother
One of the Buenos AIres moms
Gustavo Penjasoff, the photographer who took the photograph of the mother





Making Mothers Visible Buenos Aires took place on October 14, 2012, at Parque Rivadavia, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Making Mothers Visible Buenos Aires aimed to bring mothers front and center, draw attention to the vital role they play in our community, and the importance of their health, empowerment, and leadership. For more information, contact the group action leader Erica Koleff at ericakoleff@gmail.com.

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